About Us
This world is not a place for shallow Christians of soft character. Our Lord is looking for strong men who are tested, proven disciples ready to defend life and to live life to the fullest.
We are the Timothy Group. We teach young men spiritual strength and physical preparedness to fulfill the duties of this life and prepare for the life to come. Learn more by reading about our flagship program CHALLENGE and signing up for our email list.
The Timothy Group was founded in 2010 as a 501(c)3 non profit in order to run the CHALLENGE program, which was started in the year 2000 and run under the TeenPact organization. A quip about whether Christians should be in the military inspired an idea to create a bootcamp for young men to learn Biblical principles of manhood. In 2021 we reincorporated in the state of Alabama and are seeking to build and improve CHALLENGE and our other offerings.
We believe that God calls men to face hardship and to persevere faithfully. The Timothy Group (through CHALLENGE and other programs) seeks to promote that robust vision of Christ-like manliness in young men.
CHALLENGE: Basic is a week long bootcamp for young men notionally ages 13-18. Over the course of the week recruits learn skills such as primitive shelter building, land navigation, rapelling, and teamwork. At the end of the week the event culminates in the CHALLENGE course or "C course": a 24-hour land navigation course with obstacles at each waypoint forcing recruits to work together in a team environment. Throughout the week recruits participate in daily Bible study, devotionals, worship, and hear from various speakers based on the theme for the event. The CHALLENGE motto is "I will find a way or make one."
After sucessfully completing CHALLENGE: Basic young men are granted the rank of "specialist" and become eligible to participate in CHALLENGE: Extreme. Extreme takes less of a bootcamp format and has a more leadership training focus while elevating the intensity even further. Extreme is designed for specialists ages 16-24.
Learn more on our CHALLENGE page.
What other events does The Timothy Group offer?
The Timothy Group has offered various training and leadership events including weekend speaking engagements, father-son or men's retreats, and skill-based events including rapelling, firearm safety, and first aid/trauma response.