Armed Defender: Concealed Carry
Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2025
If you have basic safety and marksmanship skills, this class can guide you to the next level by offering a "sample platter" of key sub-skills. Each block corresponds to multiple local and national-level instructors and subject matter experts. To master these skills you should train with them yourself, as well as develop your own discipline for practice.
One of the shortfalls of civilian training is that skills are generally trained in 1-3 day events rather than the comprehensive multi-week training course found in military and law enforcement. This event seeks to fill that gap by layering introductory-level training on multiple sub-skills (eg. low light and cover/concealment) on top of a solid base of fundamentals.
This year we will focus on handgun skills primarily oriented around concealed carry applications.
Topics Covered
- Biblical understanding of self-defense
- Firearms safety in training and life
- Handgun selection and set-up
- Support equipment
- Fundamentals of marksmanship
- Firearm manipulations (presentation, reloads, malfunctions)
- Effective movement techniques
- Introduction to pre-fight contact skills
- Compressed shooting technique and proper extension
- Working from cover and concealment
- Orthodox and less-orthodox shooting positions
- Introduction to low-light/no-light shooting
- Introduction to buddy drills and defense of a 3rd party
- Introduction to tactical angles (CQB)
Training will be a mix of live-fire and force-on-force using airsoft, paintball, or UTM to pressure test and validate skills and gear.
Cost: $399
Cost includes tuition, range fees, and force-on-force gear. Alumni & staff discounts apply.
Gear List
- Quality shaded and clear eye protection (ballistic rated glasses are highly recommended)
- Hearing protection (electronic is highly recommended)
- Quality compact or full-size handgun in at least 9mm (weapon mounted light optional)
- 400+ rounds quality handgun ammunition
- At least 3 magazines
- A quality belt-mounted holster (kydex or injection-molded recommended) and magazine pouches
- Tools and cleaning supplies for your equipment
- Quality handheld light with a tail cap button
- Force on force PPE (personal protective equipment)
- UTM officially recommends 2 layers of loose-fitting clothing (e.g. long sleeve undershirt + BDU top)
- Masks/helmets will be provided
- Groin protection (a towel or spare shirt can work. I use an MMA cup)
- Optional: gloves, knee & elbow pads, neck protection (a shemagh works well)
- Rain gear, sunscreen, and snacks to maintain blood sugar.
This event is invitation only. If interested you can reach us at team@timothygroup.org or via our social pages.