Scene: GA woods in the dark. Patients screaming on the ground, some unconscious.
Sentry: "Guys, I think they're coming."
Patient: "My leg!"
*team keeps doing medical*
Sentry: "Guys, they're here."
*team keeps doing medical*
Sentry: "Guys, I'm dead."
*team dies to ambush*
A common leadership trap is becoming task focused and losing the big picture. With input coming from a dozen sources and a list of tasks needing attention (many critical), it's easy to "default" into what seems like the immediate emergency or a task that we feel we can accomplish easily. Practice recognizing your own "default" behavior periodically and check its strategic value. Working on a project and don't feel like eating, but you're underweight? Feeling like having 2nds (or 4ths) at dinner, but trying to cut weight? Practice discipline in the easy things so the harder things will come easier.
The story above took place in training during CHALLENGE: Extreme 2010. Multiple leaders allowed themselves to get sucked in to solving a medical issue while losing the tactical awareness they needed in order to effectively lead their teams. The lesson? You decide.